Hurry: TEDx NC State Deadline This Sunday!

This is not a drill people!

I usually SEND one application weekly, but this one is fresh off the press!

I was working on a presentation I’m giving at my local CHAMBER of COMMERCE…

And then I got an email about this APPLICATION!

This is important…

Stop what you’re doing and APPLY right now!

You keep talking about making your dreams come true but haven’t applied.

Also, you should STILL apply if a TEDx event is outside your area.

Most people have to travel to their first talk.

Stop making excuses, grab your dreams by the collar, and GO!

I got this one from my man Cesar Cervantes…please check him out too!

If you enjoyed the newsletter, please reply and let me know. It would mean a lot to me. We'll see you again next week!


Robin Nathaniel - TEDx Speaker - Social Media Leader


or to participate.